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Research & Development

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The breeders and technical staff in the Research and Development Division are actively engaged in developing varieties, hybrids of various cereal & vegetable crops which, when grown by farmers, would provide higher yields, better quality, excellent appearance, and salability features. Company is also developing strategies to provide our farmers with various Biological Products for crop protection and enhanced productivity.

Our excellent work in seeds R&D has been recognized by the GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, Department of Scientific and Industrial Research (DSIR).

GPR Group is in the field of corn genetics science inception of the company and has world class genetical material. The company has developed several hybrids which are higher yield, better grain quality and resistance to various biotic and abiotics stress conditions. The continuous research and dedicated efforts of the scientists has resulted in development of excellent Corn (Zea mays), Sunflower (Helianthus annus L), Pearl Millet (Penisetum tyhoides), Grain Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor), Paddy (Oryza sativa) and various vegetable crops. Every year more than 1000 new hybrids are being developed and tested in above crops. The company has testing centers at multiple locations in the country to evaluate new hybrids for different agro-climatic conditions. Company is collaborating with several universities at state level, ICAR, Govt. institutions to evaluate its new hybrids. Over the years, many hybrids of different crops mentioned above have been selected and recognised in the Govt. trails.

Utilization of marker assistance breeding to expedite the breeding program. DNA finger printing of all of the company’s hybrids and their parental lines.

Backed by large collection of germ plasm, our breeders with rich experience and knowledge bring world-class products continuously excelling and setting new standards and demanded by the customers nation wide.