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Micro Nutrients

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Besst Max


Besst Max Formula-4 Is a micronutrient mixture containing all essential micronutrient elements essential for healthy functioning of plant parts. This also helps in movement of different nutrients inside the plant as per requirement.

Recommended for all crops.

Dosage: Foliar Application 2 gm/lit of water.

Besst Power


Best Power Formula-6 Foliar spray provide micro-nutrients in chelated form which increases the absorption rate of nutrients to plants. It also helps to immediately rectify micronutrient deficiency as it makes readily available to plant. This contains all the essential micro nutrient for healthy growth of plant.

Recommended for all crops.

Dosage: 2ml / liter of water

Besst - F7

Besst-F7 Formula 7 is a micronutrient mixture of Iron, Manganese and Zinc as carrier. This micro nutrient mixture helps in root development and increase and availability in phosphorus and calcium. This plays important role in photosynthesis and chlorophyl development, also act as catalyst in various plant metabolic process.

Recommended for all crops.

Dosage: For Soil application- 10 Kg /acre & For Drip application-1kg/acre/day.

Besst Zinc

Zinc Sulphate 33%

Zinc Sulphate Mono hydrate containing 33% Zinc is efficient for correcting zinc deficiency, either through Soil or Foliar Application. Besst Zinc 33% contains in zinc Sulphate monohydrate form. It contains 33% Zinc. Mono Zinc 33% is in powder form. It is readily soluble in water. It is immediately and completely available to crops. by spraying Mono Zinc 33%, Zinc deficiency can be totally controlled. If crop is more deficient, then monohydrate Zinc 33% can be repeated at 7-10 days.

Dosage : Soil Application : 1Kg per acre, to be mixed with 9kg soil and apply Uniformly in one acre

Foliar Application : Mix 200 g powder of Mono Zinc 33%, in 100 liter of water and spray for one acre.

Besst Chelated

This is best suited for the soils with the varied ph. range 5-10. This form of Zinc has highest absorption rate. Zinc chelate is easily translocated within the plant as their action is partly systemic. This helps in Cell elongation and production of Husks in grains there by maintaining proper plant growth. This is useful for formation chlorophyll and conversion of starch to sugar.

Recommended for all crops.

Dosage: Foliar application 0.5gm- 1gm/lit of water & soil application: 1-2kg per acre.

Besst MG

Magnesium Sulphate 9.6%

Magnesium is the major constituent atom of chlorophyll molecule which helps in photosynthesis. Magnesium helps in building of high concentrations of starch in tuber crops and fats in oil seeds. This aids in phosphate metabolism and nucleic acid synthesis.

Recommended for all crops and must for fruit and oil seed crops.

Dosage: Soil application: 8-10 kg/ac & Foliar Application 3.0 - 5.0 gm / lit of water.

Besst Boron

Maxvin Boran 20% improves shelf life of marketable produce by avoiding fruit cracking and improving cell wall. Corrects deficiencies of Calcium and Boron in plants. Calcium is also used in activating certain enzymes and to send signals that coordinate certain cellular activities.

Recommended for all crops.

Doses- Mix 2-3kg of Quicker with sand/urea and broadcast for one acre at intervals of 10-15 days

Besst - K

Besst K is the best source of Potassium in combination with Nitrogen. Maintains ionic balance within the plant body and promotes early maturity. This increases the fruit size and sugar content thereby increases the quality of fruits. It increases the disease resistance of plants and increasing the quality of crops.

Recommended on all crops and must for all horticulture crops

Dosage: Foliar application 4-5 gm/lit of water.

Fertigation: 1-3 kg/ac Fertigation Foliar.

Note: do not mix with fertilizers containing calcium and magnesium salts.

Besst Poshak

Besst Poshak supplies NPK soil nutrients in equal proportions. Useful for all crops as a foliar spray, it helps in improving reproductive and vegetative activities in the plant system. It increases the biomass production in plants. These grades are used in fertigation program during initial growth stage for better crop development.

Recommended for all crops.

Dosage: Foliar Application: Use 4-5 g/lit of Water.

Fertigation: Use 1-3 Kg/acre.

Besst Zinex

Besst Zinex Involves in N metabolism, Stimulates amino acids to produce proteins.

Assist in starch production by availing more zinc to the plant in mobile form.

Enhances calcium transport in fruits & vegetables; vitamin synthesis in vegetables.

Increases the yield and enhances the quality of produce.

Directions for use:

Half fill the spray tank with water, begin agitation and add the required quantity of Besst Zinex Complete the tank filling with water and apply without delay by maintaining the agitation throughout.

Storage: Protect from frost. Store above 5 C. Keep in cool, well ventilated store. Do not store in direct sunlight or near direct sources of heat. Keep out of reach of children. keep away from food and animal feed stuffs.

Besst - F7 Nursery Spl

BESST F7 ZINC Is natural, non-toxic, harmless and non-polluting, rich in micro elements like zinc, manganese and ferrous and is designated for organic and non-polluting fertilizing. It has neither chemicals nor synthetic hormones added. BESST F7 ZINC plays a vital role in root growth and plant development by enhancing the uptake of essential major and minor nutrients and other vitamines and minerals.

BESST F7 ZINC encourages healthy microbial populations and they contain natural sugars which serve as natural chelators. Thus BESST F7 ZINC helps in making the best possible use of nutrients and in doing so, significantly increases yield and quality of the crop. BESST F7 ZINC thickens, enlarges and balances the leaf growth, supplies a well-balanced quantity of nutrients while also stimulating cell division, improving the fruit set and blossom.

BESST F7 ZINC is suitable for all field crops like paddy, groundnut, maize, sugarcane, seed cotton and Bt cotton, chillies, vegetables, flower gardens, orchards and Horticultural crops like citrus, mango, pomegranate and guava to correct the Zinc deficiency.

Dosage: 10 kg of BESST F7 ZINC is recommended for one acre for grain crops like paddy. BESST F7 ZINC is compatible with all fertilizers. So it can be mixed with all fertilizers safely.

Besst Silica

Chemical Composition : Stabilized Ortho silicic Acid(measured as SL) 2.0% W/V (SL-0.6%W/V), Stabilizer : 40%W/V, Aqua : Q.S. Total : 100% W/V

Besst Silica is a proprietary formulation having Stabilized Ortho Silicic Acid (OSA). It is a patented formulation technology of Bio - Active Silicon fortified with other nutrients and growth promotory ingredients for crops .silicon present in the OSA is readily absorbed and leads to healthy and vigorous crops.

Ortho Silicic Acid (OSA) acivate Cation Exchange Capacity which increases the translocation and assimating of macromolecules thereby, improves overall plant health, yeild and quality of the produce. the blogenic silicon layer ensures extended shelf life of the produce.

Besst Silica increases the tolerance of plants for abiotic stresses YIZ. temperature fluctuation, water shortage, excess rain as well as soil related stresses (acidity, alkalinity, salanity, heavy metals, etc.,). Additionally it also reduces the incidences of infestation by fungal and Insect pests due to the formation of biogenic silicon layer.

Dosage: 500ml per acre (In 200 Ltrs of water) for one application . For sugarcane use 1200 ml per acer In 200 Ltrs of water) for one application .For fruit crops use 2-3ml/ltr. For detailed crop wise application please refer to as mentioned below.

Mode of application: Besst Silica can be applied as a foliar spray or as fertigation via drip.