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Organic Juice

1 x $4.00

Fresh Orange

1 x $4.00

Organic Onion

1 x $4.00
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Bio Stimulants

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Besst Zyme

Composition : Seaweed Extracts : 15%, Protein Hydrolydes : 10%, Fulvic Acid : 6%, Preservatives : 1%, Aqua : Q.S.

Foliar Application : Active ingredients : Natural Hydrolyzed proteins. It stimulates overall growth, induces more flowering, prevents shedding of buds, flowering and fruits, enlarges fruit size, improves crop quality and increases yield.

Dosage : 2.5 to 3 ml per liter water depending on crop.

Application : Shake well before use Prepare required quantity of solution as per above dose and spray on plants at critical stages of crop growth. (Pre-flowering, Flowering / Fruiting)

Besst Vitamin

Composition : Protein Hydrolyds : 30%, Glycine : 01%.

Glutmic Acid : 01% Preservatives : 01%, Aqua : Q.S.

Besst Vitamin includes diverse formulations of compounds & substances that are applied to plants or soils to improve crop vigour, yields, quality & tolerance of abiotic stress. Besst Vitamin foster plant growth and development throghout the crop life cycle from seed germination to plant maturity in a number of demonstrated ways, including but not limited to improving the efficiency of the plant's metabolism to induce yield increases & enhanced crop quality. Increasing plant tolerance to and recovery from abiotic stresses. Facilitating nutrient assimilation, translocation & use. Enhancing quality attributes of produce, including sugar content, color, fruit seeding etc.,

Dosage : 2 to 2.5ml per liter of water.

Besst Humicsun

Composition : Humic Acid : 12%, Fulvic Acid : 06%, Carriers : 82%, Total : 100%

1) Promotes white Root Development.
2) Effective shoot Development and Soil Conditioning.
3) Helps water availability for roots by increasing water holding capacity of the soil.
4) This is a vegetable and Animal origin fertilizer

Dosage : 2 to 2.5 ml per liter of water.

Natural Vita GR

Contents : Humic Acid : 12%, Seaweed : 5%, Fulvic Acid : 2%, Carriers : 81%, Total : 100%

Natural Vita Granules : our granules mainly contain most bio-chemically active. Organic materials helps of excellent adventitious root system. With efficient root system, the young seeding are able to use various growth attributing resource and result in more number of tillers. Because of more tiller & larger leaf area, it also helps in suppression of weeds. Finally grow root Granules aid in improving soil structure, texture, increasing plant growth and yield of crop.

Recommended Crops : Paddy, Cotton, Wheat, Chillies, Soya bean, Pulses, Oil seeds, Grapes, All Flower bearing vegetables and horticulture crops.

Dosage: 10Kg per acre. apply in basal or top dressing.


Composition : Seaweed Extract : 15%, Protein Hydrolyzes : 10%, Glutamic Acid : 01%, Glycine : 01%, L-Cystine L 01%, Preservatives & Stabilizers : 01%, Aqua : Q.S.


1) Shakti is great nourishment for plants, extends the shelf life of fruits and vegetables. 2) Shakti will promote strong and vigorous development of overall plant giving the cuttings a superior chance of surviving 3) The solution of Shakti encourages stronger, healthier plants that have a greater resistance to diseases. 4) Shakti provides natural hormones and nutrients in an immediate and easily absorbed form when applied as a foliar feed.

Best use for : Cotton, Soyabean, Tur, Chana & Vegetables

Dosage : 2 to 2.5ml per liter of water.

Virus Gard

Composition : OA : 4%, EMP : 10%, Ph : 36%, DM Water : 50%, Total : 100%

VIRUS GARD is a naturally derived Botanical product. It improve plant growth and Healthy. It improve cell development properly Hence plant growth effectively.

VIRUS GARD improve more strong and giving High yields. It improve side Brooches.

VIRUS GARD Improve resistance power and immunity power. It Improve more yields.

Crops: Paddy, Cotton, Chilli, Vegeitables, Flowers.

Platinum SP

Composition : Sacred basil : 1%, Crab apple extralct : 2%, Pongamia Pinneta : 3%, Base material : 94%, Total : 100%

Platinum SP is a natural product the crops from fungal bacterial diseases & viral infections like Rust, Blight, Rot, Spot & Specially control of Blase on Paddy Damping off. Anthracnose & Pythium ( to both prevention & Cure)

Instruction for Use : Add 2 gms. per 1 liter of water & spray on plants / trees till they get well covered by for paddy, Chillies, Cotton, Groundnut, Vegetables, Mango, Grapes and Flowers.

Natural Vita Crop+

Composition : Seeweed Extract 5%, Hydrolyds Protines 10%, Fulvic Acid 2%, Filler Material 83%, Total 100%

Natural Vita Crop+ is purely Organic product developed through aerobic fermentation method. A complete plant nutrition supporting with naturally occurred Growth Hormones. Natural Vita Crop+ provides overall uniform growth with higher flowering and fruiting. Leads to higher flowering, fruiting and yield.


Natural Vita Crop+ promotes all over growth of plant and balance the diet food of plant.
Natural Vita Crop+ increases the immunity power in plant and promote root system.
It convert unavailable micronutrients into available form.
It improves the uptake of micronutrients.
Increases the root growth vigorously.
It helps plant to reduce stress conditions.

DOSE: 2 - 3 grams per liter of water

Recommended Crops: All Crops